Another Top Model Goes Home

This week’s challenge…I know I challenged the producers to come up with something original. I should have been more specific – I’d like to see something original and INTERESTING. The challenge was dificult to understand because the green was there, but not really.

I am so GLAD they finally brought teleprompters to these darn Cover Girl ads. Now we don’t have to spend 20 minutes watching them stumble over lines as they try to remember them.

Every time any of these chicks gets sick on the shoot, I don’t wanna hear it. After Danielle killed it on the elephant after leaving the hospital, I don’t want to hear it.

The girls are heading to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Amsterdam is also known as Holland where they have tulips, dams and yes, wooden shoes. You’ve probably heard that in Amsterdam, they also are known for their Red Light district and cannabis coffee shops.

If, after reading this you want more Top Model gossip, head on over to

~ by 2muchtv on October 22, 2008.

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